Friday 23 February 2007



Mmmm...well, errrr...yes, well, this is the first time I've done any blogging. If this post actually posts I will most probably get over-excited and turn into a blog addict and spend the rest of my life blog bothering everybody with ten second updates on my increasingly uninspiring existance.

For now though, I'm really looking forward to being part of DYS(the) LEXI. I think lennie and Sarah and everyone involved are brilliant for getting this going. It's a priviledge to be part of it.

I'd like to think it has also kick started me into producing not just some of my better poems but also potentially a whole new show about dyslexia which will fuse comedy, poetry and storytelling, with lots of visuals and audience participation. All of that is later, but for now - or at least on the 22nd March at 7.30pm when i'm doing my bit - I've got a good twenty minutes of cheeky banter and rhymes, and maybe one or two silly pictures and some embarrassing dancing. The emphasis is going to be on celebrating the more upbeat and ridiculous sides to being dyslexic.

I have also been writing some more traditionally downbeat poems too, like this one below which is written about "Jumble", who is the main character in the aforementioned not yet written show. This poem might make the final show, but I won't do it on the 22nd, as I'd rather do some funnier stuff, which is more my thing. Anyway, good luck and all the best to everybody taking part.......

He reads the same simple sentence again
The sense of it, simply, will not sink in
He’s the Jumble Boy who can’t spell his name

The panic runs manic about his brain
Letters give him jitters: jest and jinx him
He reads the same simple sentence again

But it’s too hard for him. He can’t explain
The problem is he can’t stop from thinking
He’s the Jumble Boy who can’t spell his name

Teachers can’t reach him but to shout his shame
He’s not got a clue, they’ve not an inkling
He reads the same simple sentence again

One dreamday he’ll teach them. He’ll find his aim
And hurl the world such a tale worth printing
Of the Jumble Boy who can’t spell his name

But now Jane likes Peter. Peter likes Jane
And he hates the school and all who sink him
He reads the same simple sentence again
Just the Jumble Boy who can’t spell his name


Ros Barber said...

Justin! You've got a blog. Hooray! I've linked you in to mine so I hope you'll get one or visitors. I, for one, definitely look forward to as much of your jumbling as I can tempt you into.

Reading the Signs said...

Hi Justin - Just come from Ros's blog, I used to come to Don't Feed the Poets where I much enjoyed your poetry and ramblings - er, so you going to put up another post then?

Justin Rhyme said...

hi reading the signs,

thanks for coming by. i eventually found out how to leave a comment on ros' site, so i mentioned there that i am a bit ambivalent about the whole blog thing at the moment, but who knows i might come round.

glad you like dftp, we are doing two very different shows in may, the usual cabaret on 27th and an interesting show on the 20th, featuring yvo luna, jonny fluffypunk and ros all doing some new writing around a theme. very new writing in my case as i haven't written it yet. all the best, x justin

missfit Productions said...

I want you back...for DYSSING MONADYS - (